英国有着完整的私校教育体系,历史悠久、学术成绩优异,升入牛剑的比例极高,随着我们与世界的融入,让我们的学生和英国私校的距离越来越近,英国私校自然成为了很多家庭的首选之地.具体英国私立高中的成绩怎么样呢?下面,小编就为大家带来了2022年由 the Independent Schools Council (ISC)发布的英国高中A-LEVEL成绩排名*付学费、位置、是否走读,希望对大家有所帮助。
Data provided by the Independent Schools Council (ISC). Not all independent schools in the UK either submit their data to the ISC or are represented by the ISC. Fee information is per term and has been taken from the ISC's school directory as of August 2022 — where a school is listed with a range of fees, we have taken the highest. All schools labelled as boarding in our table are also day schools.