

Cambridge International AS and A Level 数学符号你知道几个?

Cambridge International AS and A Level Mathematics
Mathematical notation
Examinations for CIE syllabuses may use relevant notation from the following list.
1 Set notation
 is an element of
 is not an element of
{x1x2, …} the set with elements x1x2, …
{x : …} the set of all x such that …
n(A) the number of elements in set A
 the empty set
the universal set
, the universal set (for 0607 IGCSE International Mathematics)
A′ the complement of the set A
 the set of natural numbers, {1, 2, 3, …}
 the set of integers, {0, ±1, ±2, ±3, …}
 the set of rational numbers,
 the set of real numbers
 the set of complex numbers
(xy) the ordered pair xy
 is a subset of
 is a proper subset of
[ab] the closed interval {∈  : ⩽ ⩽ b}
[ab) the interval {∈  : ⩽ x < b}
(ab] the interval {∈  : a < ⩽ b}
(ab) the open interval {∈  : a < x < b}
(S) the group consisting of the set S with binary operation 
2 Miscellaneous symbols
= is equal to
≠ is not equal to
≡ is identical to or is congruent to
≈ is approximately equal to
~ is distributed as
 is isomorphic to
 is proportional to
< is less than
 is less than or equal to
> is greater than
 is greater than or equal to
∞ infinity
 is implied by
 implies and is implied by (is equivalent to)

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