

Imagine Cup Junior微软青少年“创新杯”大赛介绍

Imagine Cup 是首屈一指的全球学生技术竞赛,为像您这样的学生提供机会,释放他们的热情和目标,在四个竞赛类别之一(地球、教育、健康和生活方式)中开发鼓舞人心的尖端技术解决方案,从而改变世界。 学生可以利用他们的创业方面,积极采取措施将他们的想法变为现实,让他们的梦想成真。 在此过程中,您可以与志同道合的人联系,获得新技能,获得培训和指导,并有机会赢得现金奖励! 

Imagine Cup Junior是专门针对13-18岁的学生的竞赛,通过这样一个令人兴奋的机会,可以在参加全球学生挑战的同时学习技术以及如何使用它来解决世界上一些最大的挑战。这是对人工智能 (AI)、机器学习和网络安全等技术的绝佳介绍,适合所有级别,尤其是初学者。学生参与还可以进一步发展和实践现代且需求旺盛的工作场所技能,如沟通、协作、批判性思维和创造力。


Imagine Cup Junior的注册于2023年1月11日开放。团队负责人必须在提交截止日期 2023 年 5 月 10 日之前代表其学生团队提交项目。

学生通过团队负责人(教育工作者、讲师、家长或监护人 - 18 岁以上)参加 Imagine Cup Junior。团队负责人代表学生注册,并获得下面概述的Imagine Cup青少年资源包,以促进学习和挑战。学生以一到六人为一组,开发一个针对微软人工智能造福人类计划的原创概念,并完成 Imagine Cup Junior PowerPoint 提交模板。


The top 10 global winner team names, country/regions, and project descriptions are listed below in alphabetical order:

ARISE, Nepal: ARISE is an AI- driven interactive application promoting accessibility for chemistry laboratory equipment using motion and augmented reality.

  • AutoCrab, Hong Kong: AutoCrab is an AI sensor to monitor and regulate water quality in hairy crab aquafarms.

  • Clean Up Crew, Australia: Clean Up Crew is an all-in-one AI device that collects and sorts waste materials into appropriate categories to be properly recycled.

  • Earthatarian, United Kingdom: Earthatarian is an AI-powered application to reduce food waste by predicting the ‘actual expiry’ of stocked food items and monitoring food consumption.

  • HACKRR, Philippines: WTFact is a fact-checking browser extension that utilizes AI to detect fake news and make internet users aware of online mis- and dis-information.

  • NeuSparks, China: NeuSparks uses Azure AI and Machine Learning to transcribe folk music recordings into digital format (MIDI) that can be easily transmitted and assist in sheet music creation and re-composition.

  • Sea Waste Scavengers, Indonesia: This AI concept is a ship fully powered by electricity from hydro and solar energy that tracks, locates, and captures plastic garbage and delivers it to a recycling plant. 

  • SkyLine Humanitarian, Vietnam: This AI integrated mobile application connects hospitals and blood donors by blood type while encouraging potential new blood donors by spreading awareness.

  • Team Sensory Metaverse, India: Sensory Metaverse is a VR concept with a headset and a body suit that helps users not only see but feel virtual reality.

  • VORA, United States: VORA is a visual object recognition aid for the visually impaired.

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